Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day

My Mother's Day was one of the best days I have had in a long while. I know a lot of planning went into it. First off it started on Saturday, Tommy made dinner for our family plus his sister Kristine and 3 nieces/nephews. It was delicious! Oh he also folded some laundry! Ok now for Sunday. First off I got to sleep in!! Tommy fed Chloe a bottle for her morning feeding, that never happens. Around 8:30 I was summoned, had to close my eyes and the kids led me to the kitchen. When I opened them there was breakfast, all ready and everything. You have to know this is a big deal and hasn't happened before. For breakfast Tommy made egg mcmuffins. Noah(helped) made yogurt parfaits. And there was orange juice in goblets. (A must for Tommy ;)) And presents and flowers! Everything was amazing, I am the luckiest mom I know! The kids really enjoyed being a part of a surprise for Mom. Later in the day we went to my parents house for dinner and we also visited Tommy's mom. We have some amazing moms!!! I love them both. I hope all you moms had as wonderful a day as I did.

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